You are currently viewing Shropshire DA Christmas Party – Rushbury Village Hall – 10th to 12th December

Shropshire DA Christmas Party – Rushbury Village Hall – 10th to 12th December

We are pleased to confirm that the Christmas Party booking is now open!

CAMPING FULLY BOOKED at the Village Hall

You are more than welcome to come for the meal only or there is a caravan site close by called Southview Caravan Site.

They have hardstanding, full service pitches for a cost of £16 per night. 

To book Southview call Merv on 07970 192046. (remember to also complete and return the booking form below)

If you have already booked a pitch at the village hall and you decide not to camp or to stay at Southview, please contact me to cancel the village hall pitch. If I get any cancellations I will detail on the website and Facebook, many thanks.

If you want to look at the site here is the website address

We have booked our amazing caterers again this year, the delicious 3 Course Meal is not to be missed. We look forward to sharing a great weekend/evening with you all.

We will be having a tombola, please could you please bring wrapped chocolate and a bottle.

Advanced Booking is essential by the 26th November 2021, complete both the booking and menu selection forms and post with the non refundable payment to:

Mrs Tracy Booth, 118 Whitchurch Road, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY1 4ED.

If you have any questions please contact, or 07396 639805.

Please make cheques payable to Shropshire DA.