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Message from the Chairman

We unfortunately announce the resignation of Kath Rushton from the Shropshire DA committee, we thank Kath and wish her all the best.

This means that we now have 5 committee members and as per the DA constitution, we require 6 committee members to function as a DA.

Therefore, in order for the DA to remain viable, we need at least 1 member to join the committee as soon as possible.

If you are interested and/or able to join our committee please let myself or our secretary, Tracy, know as soon as possible.

Please contact us at or 07815 589656 or 07837 841187 if you can help or need further information.

We would like to reassure all members that Shropshire DA meets will go ahead as planned. Shropshire DA very much remains an active DA, attendance and feedback is very positive.

Many thanks

Andrew Booth