We are looking for 2 volunteer Auditors from the DA AGM in March 2020.
Without appointed Auditors the DA cannot function.
The role involves auditing the DA accounts every three months, which takes around 1 hour. Any travelling expenses incurred as part of this role will be reimbursed.
Each Club Unit’s financial affairs must be overseen by two Auditors. An Auditor’s job is to check the Unit’s annual accounts, prepared by the Treasurer, for the protection of both the Treasurer and the Club.
Auditors are appointed at the Unit’s AGM and their only role will be to audit the accounts.
A Club Unit will pass the minutes of all Unit Committee meetings and any financial reports to its Auditor to ensure the accounts include all relevant information.
Because of the financial responsibilities of being an Auditor, they must not be a member of the Club Unit’s Committee. An auditor must not be related to or live in the same household as another member of the Committee and they cannot be proposed by the Treasurer.
If you are interested or have any questions please contact the secretary,
Tracy Booth
07837 841187