19 units bringing an impressive 20 children, attended our Halloween meet at Bramblewood near Whitchurch.
The site opened on Friday 25th October in monsoon conditions, with the rain continuing for over 24 hours, however once everyone had arrived and set up there was time to get some respite from the rain in the onsite games room, with music, pool, table tennis and darts available to entertain us, along with a couple of games of bingo.
On Saturday morning, with the rain still falling, most campers stayed in their warm and dry units watching the Rugby World Cup, before venturing over to the games room for Pumpkin carving and children’s craft activities run by Tracy, Linda and Becky.
With the rain stopped it was time for the children (large and small) to dress up and trick or treat their way round the units, and the site owners to judge the most scarily decorated unit and the best Pumpkin carving. Then it was back for more games and music, and Linda’s tasty Pumpkin soup and Hot Dogs cooked by Arwel. Thanks to them and Tracy for organising the food. The music and games continued until late in the evening.
Sunday dawned bright and sunny, the Welsh campers mood darkened somewhat by the Rugby result as Wales lost to South Africa, but everyone was in good spirits at the coffee morning which again, as last year, was held outside in the sunshine. The results of the Pumpkin carving and most scary unit were announced and prizes awarded, and then again as last year, a number of us made our way to the local pub for some welcome relaxation (thanks to the site owner for providing the transport – the ground being too wet to walk as we did last year). The evening saw more music, games and Tracy’s difficult Halloween quiz which was won by the Chairman’s team!
Monday saw some campers moving on or heading home, but not before some of the remaining youngsters had composed their own song to sing to us, using the instruments on site. The rest of the day was spent doing our own thing, before some of us again enjoyed the games room in the evening.
With more campers leaving on Tuesday it was a quieter day with some going for a walk around the nearby Brown Moss Nature Reserve or even further afield.
Wednesday was moving day, 25 miles or so to the gorgeous Weston Park, where the trees were turning into fabulous autumnal colours. With no activities planned, this was a free and easy few days, with people coming onto site on Thursday and Friday to enjoy a long weekend. In total 20 units, with 19 children attended.

Saturday morning was a quiet start with campers gathered in awnings and caravans to watch the Rugby World Cup final, then going out for the day or exploring the Park and watching the preparations ahead of the main event on Sunday.

The rain held off on Sunday long enough for coffee morning to be held, then people relaxed into the afternoon until the fairground opened. As the daylight faded the bonfire was lit and we all set off to watch the first of the fabulous firework displays. With a gap of around an hour and half until the second display there was opportunity to grab some food and drink, go on the fairground rides or retire back to your unit before again watching a superb display of fireworks.
Despite a misty start on Monday, the sun did come out sufficiently to dry awnings and wind our way home in weather hugely different to what we arrived at Bramblewood in some 10 days earlier, and at neither venue did anyone have to be towed off the field due to mud!
We will be returning to this wonderful site twice in 2020, in June for the RAF Cosford Airshow and again for the Fireworks in November, so watch this space.
Thank you to Vince and Linda for stewarding at Bramblewood and the Committee for their help, and to Tracy and Andrew for stewarding at Weston Park.